From the 25th of June to the 1st of July, 2017 in Granada hold place the V Edition of International Summer School and International Conference, Beyond Secular Faith, “Politics as Theology”, organized by the Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein (IFES), the Pontifical University of John Paul II (Faculty of Philosophy) and the International Center for the Study of Christian Orient (ICSCO), in collaboration with some others institutions from Great Britain, USA, Poland and Spain. The people from East and West was welcome to this Summer School and International Conference.
Academic Board: Matyas Szalay (Director), Marcelo López Cambronero, Artur Mrowczynski-Van Allen and Aaron Riches
Academic Advisory Board: Rocco Buttilione, Carmina Chapp, Rocío Daga, Ildefonso Fernández-Figares, Jaroslaw Jagiello, Michal Luczewski, Allison Milbank, John Milbank, Timothy Mosteller, Teresa Obolevitch, Kirsten Pinto-Gfroerer, Enrique Rico Pavés, Zbigniew Stawrowski, David Widdicombe
Secretary: Eva Martínez García
Program “Politics as Theology”:
- “The Theopolitical Vision of Chesterton and Tolkien and its Contemporary Relevance” (Prof. Alison Milbank)
- “Self, Politics and Theology: Beyond Ego-Centric Reason” (Prof. Robert Wozniak)
- “Conversion and Coercion. The Political Theology of John Paul II” (Prof. Rocco Buttiglione and Prof. Michal Luczewski)
Master Seminars hosted by John Milbank:
- “What is Political Theology?” (Prof. Zbigniew Stawrowski)
- “Religion in Islam: a Historical Perspective” (Prof. Rocío Daga)
Keynote Lectures:
- “Religion, Power and Order” (Prof. John Milbank)
- “Christianity and Democracy. The Relation between Truth and Freedom” (Prof. Jaroslaw Jagiello)
To learn more about the International Summer School and International Conference “Politics as Theology”, visit Instituto de Filosofía Edith Stein (IFES).