From the 1st to the 7th of September, 2014 in Granada hold place the II Edition of International Summer School in Catholic Studies “Beyond Secular Faith: The Body. Theological, Philosophical and Political Implications”, organized by the Centre for Thought of John Paul II (Warsaw) and the Institute of Philosophy Edith Stein (IFES) in collaboration with the International Center for the Study of Christian Orient (ICSCO). The people from East and West was welcome to this International Summer School.
Academic Directors: Michal Luczewski and Marcelo López Cambronero
Secretary: Eva Martínez García
Program “The Body. Theological, Philosophical and Political Implications” (available in PDF): [la palabra en rojo lleva al archive PDF TheBodyProgram]
- Seminar “Beauty a Troublesome Transcendental” (Prof. Marta Kwasnicka)
- Seminar “Political Bodies” (Prof. Michal Luczewski)
- Seminar “Theology of the Body as Theology of Resistance” (Prof. Artur Mrowczynski-Van Allen and Prof. Aaron Riches)
- Seminar “Philosophy as Bodily Transformation. Old Tradition and New Challenges” (Prof. Matyas Szalay)
Keynote Lectures:
- “The Magisterial Teaching of John Paul II and Benedict XVI: Keys to the Council and the Program for a Post-Liberal Church” (Prof. Tracey Rowland)
- “Do We Have and Are We an Immortal Soul? Do We Have or Are We a Mortal Body?” (Prof. Josef Seifert)
To learn more about the International Summer School “The Body. Theological, Philosophical and Political Implications”, visit Instituto de Filosofía Edith Stein (IFES).